Corruptions | Curses | Diseases | Drugs | Haunts | Madnesses | Poisons | Traps

Blackfinger's salt

Source Potions and Poisons pg. 24
Price 300 gp; Weight
Type ingested; Save Fortitude DC 17
Onset 10 minutes; Frequency 1/minute for 6 minute
Effect 1d2 Con and 1d3 bleed
Cure 2 saves


Blackfingers’s salt can easily be hidden in all foods and beverages, as it lacks color, odor, and, despite the name, flavor. Soon after consuming this dastardly poison, a creature develops painful, bleeding ulcers throughout its stomach and esophagus. Followers of Norgorber originally developed the salt to mimic targets suffering a medical emergency and thus avoid suspicion of poisoning.